Sunday, February 7, 2010

What is the structure and characteristics of bacteria, viruses, and fungi?

Here's another biology-related question that my sister needs to know for a nursing mid-term test that she has to take. Any helpful answer is very much appreciated.What is the structure and characteristics of bacteria, viruses, and fungi?
Bacteria are one cell animals that can live depending on species in normal to extremely Low levels of oxygen. Fungus can be either a single cell plant or a muilty cell plant such as mushrooms. (the top part is a spore producer most of mushroom is underground.))))

Virus though able to make millions of identical and mutated copies of them selves and mostly DNA ARE IN FACT NONLIVING DNA crystals. THEY CAN NOT GROW, MUTATE, EVolve,without being parasites and invading bacteria, plants, animal cells and hijacking their DNA TO MAKE THOUsands of copies of the virus.


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