Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cure for fungus on toe nails?

Hi Everyone:

I just wanted to know if some of you know about an effective home/medical treatment for curing fungus on toe nails. I am not currently suffering from that nail infection. However, the other day I noticed that the nail of my big right toe was slightly different so I just wanted to be prepared inthe event I could have this problem. I would really appreciate that some of you help me out by giving me the right advise.

Thank you in advanceCure for fungus on toe nails?
Some nails turn grey or darker from rubbing on shoes, my little toes would get this from tight shoes. But if it is fungus, it is a tough one to get under control. The prescription method is a pill that you take for months and is known to cause liver damage. But Tea tree essential oil and it's more powerful cousin Manuka oil have been showing great results. Apparently with nail fungus the important thing is to never miss an application because is it waiting to spring up into full force again.Cure for fungus on toe nails?
Whether white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, this is the cheapest treatment intended to eradicate fungal infections from toenails or fingernails.

Most vinegar cure toe nail fungus consists of daily foot baths in a solution of 50% water and 50% vinegar.

It is suggested to alternate and mix hot baths and cold baths, although in either case, it is necessary to keep your feet soaking for at least 30 minutes. People who have successfully tried this treatment recommend 3 baths a day, morning, noon and evening.

The acidity of vinegar relieves the itching and repairs the PH balance, necessary to combat fungi, the microorganism responsible for toenail fungus. Vinegar is a sour tasting liquid, resulting from the oxidation of ethanol in fermented fruit juice, cider, beer, wine, and other liquids containing alcohol.

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