Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What are the way to avoid fungi contamination in plant tissue culture?

what are the way to avoid fungi contamination in plant tissue culture?i have done a callus induction experiment but the culture is contaminated by fungus.What are the way to avoid fungi contamination in plant tissue culture?
I assume your plants are on agar medium in a petri dish. To avoid contamination, it is necessary to do two things:

1.) When you plant the seeds in the agar medium, do this ONLY in a sterile environment. Also, avoid touching the agar medium with non-sterile tools or letting non-sterile air waft over the medium. In other words, use a fume hood.

2.) After you are finished planting the seeds, close the petri dish and wrap it's perimeter with Scotch tape to prevent the plate from being contaminated by fungi.

Hope this helps,


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