You could have a food allergy. My father has an allergic reaction where his hands crack badly if he has too much milk (cow's).
It's amplified when he drinks milk and consumes too much processed sugar.
Best wishes,
pupI am having a problem with foot problems maybe fungus not sure dry cracklingfeet and toe nails are discoloring
ohhhhhhh, u might have.. (for got what it was called...), is your foot like, realy dry and when you peel a little off, it comes off really easly???Also, your foot has alota extral dry skin, and your toe nail is like, yellowish??? if so, i forgot what it was called, but ya, pretty sure you have 'em.
dude that has happened to me before. it is SO ANNOYING! it made me self-concious and stuff! anyway i think u definitly need 2 use lamisil 4 ur toenails and use jergans lotion. hope u get better!
you need vitamins
It's a fungus.
YES if your toenails are dry, yellowish, flaky you have fungus. Also your cracking feet my or may not be fungus, it may just be very dry (use some lotion everyday) or they can be athletes foot.
For your toenails, use Lamisil, it will get rid of the fungus which is living under your nails.
See your doctor or foot specialist to properly diagnose your issues. And ask about the different types of medication creams for your foot.
Try a combination of tea tree oil and colloidal silver...
One teaspoon of colloidal silver taken oraly one to three times daily for no more than five days...
Massage tea tree oil onto toenails and all around and between toes first thing in the morning and right before bedtime... sleep with bare feet... when using tea tree oil on toenails, it might be helpful to use a toothbrush or the like - use a clean, unused toothbrush and make sure to work it well into the cuticles and under the nails...
Wear socks during the day, with closed-toe shoes, and massage shea butter or cocoa butter, preferably shea, between toes during the day, to keep dry the cracked areas between the toes... You'll heal better this way, and be a little more comfortable.
Within a week, toes and toenails should be looking healthier and odor should significantly decrease.
Throw away that toothbrush!
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