then i remembered that i probably inhale some spores wen i open the poster color%26lt;it has fungus growing inside%26gt;..
so could it grow inside me........... hopely not....
thank you for answering.....Could fungus grow inside of you?
Your body has a strong defense system against anything entering your body that it does not recognize.
But in some cases - possible. Especially in your lungs, warm and weth, providing the kind of climate some fungi might well like. However, the kind of fungus you describe is a mold, and is not the kind of material that would transfer by air or that would grow within you.
So - yes, you can have fungus growing internally but no, it does not sound like you have an immediate concern.Could fungus grow inside of you?
you're welcome
Candida Albicans - usually associated with with white raised lumps in the throat affecting immune suppressed people. Tina Capitis (dandruff) and Tinia Pedis (altheletes foot) are also fungus as is ring worm, but they are external.
OMG really? I never heard of that before!? Well not that it happens in the inside of you!
of course fungas can grow inside you. they call it fungal infections.
you just gave me something else to worry about
Yes, under your nasty toe-nails.
Yeast overgrowth is a fungus infection and can affect men, woman and children. It can live in different areas of your body and can manifest itself in many ways.
I live in Florida and mold is very common here. The apartment that I use to live in had been flooded previous to me moving in and there were some spots where mold grew but I kept hitting it with bleach. Not long after we moved there I got a horrible rash under my arms that itched to the point of near insanity. I went to the dr and she said it was a fungal infection. I pieced the whole thing together, got a really strong probiotic and anti fungal soap and have been rash free for about 1 1/2 years.
So the answer to your question is yes they can live inside of you, gross as that may sound.
hardly, because some species can, but they live in desolated places.... you are ok
erm i think it can grow under your finger nails and toenails
Bacteria and all that exist in the colon.
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